

  • /tpa (player) Ask the player if you can teleport to them.

  • /tpahere (player) Asks player to accept teleportation to your location.

  • /tpaccept Accept teleport request.

  • /tpdeny Deny teleport request.

  • /home Teleport to home location.

  • /sethome Sets home location.

  • /removehome, /delhome Removes home.

  • /money pay (player) [amount] Manage money balance.

  • /bal Check money balance.

  • /baltop Check top money list.

  • /ignore Ignores player.

  • /helpop Sends message for help to staff members.

  • /mail [send/clear/read] (clear) (message) Send and receive mail.

  • /kit [kitname] Gives predefined kit.

  • /warp (warpname) Teleports to warp location.

  • /spawn Teleports back to spawn location.

  • /sit Sit in your position.

  • /msg (player) Sends message to player.

  • /reply Replay to last message sender.

  • /wild Teleport to random location.

  • /rankup Increase your rank.

  • /rankinfo Your rank information.

  • /ranklist List of possible ranks.

  • /chat [create/join/leave/list/invite/kick] (chatName/playerName) (-private) Create and join chat rooms.

  • /realname (playerName/nickName) Check players real name.

  • /back Teleports back to last saved location.

Claim Commands

  • /claim To claim the location.

  • /trust Gives another player permission to edit in your claim.

  • /unTrust Revokes any permissions grandted to a player in your claim.

  • /trustlist Lists the permissions for the claim you're standing in.

  • /claimList Lists a player's claims and claim block details.

  • /buyclaimblocks Converts server money to claim blocks.

  • /sellclaimblocks Converts claim blocks to server money.

  • /abandonallclaims Deletes all of your claims.

  • /ignoreplayer Ignores a target player's chat messages.

  • /unIgnoreplayer Un-ignores a target player's chat messages.

  • /ignored PlayerList Lits all players currently ignored.

  • /trapped Gets a player out of a land claim he's trapped inside.

  • /rubdivideclaims Switches your shovel to subdivision mode. So you can subdivide your claims.

  • /restrictsclaim Restricts a subclaim, so that it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.

  • /containertrust Gives a player permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals.

  • /claimexplosions Toggles if explosions are allowed in the claim.

Last updated