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New - 0 VotesCommands:
/pv (1 pv page)
Player - 12 VotesPerks:
x1 Tags Crate Key
10000 MYR
300 Claim Blocks
30 XP Levels
x1 Player warp
x2 /sethome
x2 AuctionHouse listings
(1 pv page)
Other Rewards:
x2 Enchanted Golden Apple
x2 Cow Spawn Egg
x1 Saddle
x1 Enchanting Table
x64 Iron Ingot
x1 Mending
x1 Unbreaking III
x6 Block of Coal
x1 Netherite Ingot
x8 Bookshelf
Regular - 70 VotesPerks:
Break & Place Spawner Permission
+50 XP Levels
+2000 Claim Blocks
+3 Tags Crate Keys
20000 MYR
x3 /sethome
x3 AuctionHouse listings
/pv (2 pv pages)
Other Rewards:
x1 Saddle
x3 Enchanted Golden Apple
x1 Shulker Box
x64 Iron Ingot
x2 Mending
x2 Unbreaking III
x32 Block Of Coal
x2 Netherite Ingot
x2 Wolf Spawn Egg
Elder- 100 VotesCommands:
x4 /sethome
+100 XP Levels
20000 MYR
2500 Claim Blocks
x4 AuctionHouse listings
Unlock All /pw comamnds
/pv (2pv pages)
Other Rewards:
x4 Enchanted Golden Apple
x2 Shulker Box
x128 Iron Ingot
x2 Mending
x2 Unbreaking III
x1 Saddle
x2 Turtle Spawn Egg
x2 Ocelot Spawn Egg
x3 Netherite Ingot
x45 Block Of Coal
+1 Elytra
Veteran - 150 VotesCommands:
/nick (No Colors)
+250 XP Levels
+1 Mystic Crate Keys
3000 Claim Blocks
25000 MYR
x5 /sethome
x5 AuctionHouse listings
/pv (3pv pages)
Other Rewards:
x6 Enchanted Golden Apple
x1 Saddle
x128 Iron Ingot
x1 Elytra
x45 Block Of Coal
x3 Netherite Ingot
x2 Parrot Spawn Egg
x5 Shulkerbox
x3 Mending
x3 Unbreaking III
Survivor - 200 VotesCommands:
/nick (Colors)
+400 XP Levels
+2 Mystic Crate Key
+1 Spawner Crate Key
35000 MYR
3500 Claim Blocks
x6 /sethome
x6 AuctionHouse listings
/pv (4 pv pages)
Other Rewards:
x6 Enchanted Golden Apple
x64 Diamond
x3 Wither Skeleton Skull
x3 Bee Spawn Egg
x3 Cat Spawn Egg
x3 Netherite Ingot
x45 Block Of Coal
x128 Iron Ingot
x1 Saddle
x3 Mending
x3 Unbreaking III
x6 Shulker Box
x1 Elytra With Mending
Mythril Helmet
Mythril Chestplate
Mythril Leggings
Mythril Boots
Legend - 500 VotesCommands:
+400 XP Levels
+2 Special Crate Key
+1 Spawner Crate Key
90000 MYR
5000 Claim Blocks
x7 /sethome
x7 AuctionHouse listing
/pv (4 pv pages)
Other Rewards:
x2 Endermite Spawn Egg
x2 Horse Spawn Egg
x1 Saddle
x1 Conduit
x8 Enchanted Golden Apple
x7 Shulkerbox
x1 Elytra with Mending
x3 Wither Skeleton Skull
x64 Diamond
x50 Block Of Coal
x1 Trident
x1 End Crystal
Vibranium Helmet
Vibranium Chestplate
Vibranium Leggings
Vibranium Boots